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Symbolism Of Snake In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The Epic of Gilgamesh was wildly famous in antiquity. Like the snake that steals Gilgamesh's rejuvenation plant, the Epic of Gilgamesh has aged well. Its themes - exploring the tension. 'The Epic of Gilgamesh forms the core field of reference in Iskander's own epic of exile and loss. There, among the great eternal symbols of lamentation and vain entreaty which are parts of the troubled stream of the poem, we find perfectly contemporary pieces of debris such as ‘the old photograph album' and ‘the sad bicycle.'.

In this mystical tale of friendship and the quest for immortality, the theme of grief is emphasized when Gilgamesh is forever changed by the death of his dear friend Enkidu. Gilgamesh is confronted by the struggles of mortals and is profoundly effected by the injustice that was Enkidu's untimely death. For Gilgamesh, Enkidu is a symbol for the natural world. His character is vital to the transition that Gilgamesh goes through and his search for immortality is sparked by the grief he experiences. Gilgamesh begins the epic as a rash, arrogant young king who takes what he wants with little regard for anyone else. He forces himself on women, and forced men to do his biddings for him. He saw himself for the fraction of a god that he was, and for him that put him in a position higher than noblemen and peasants alike. Though he is the hero of this epic, he had to go on a long journey and underwent many hardships (Norton 1.29) to become the great king he left in his legacy, including the loss of his friend. Through themes of grief and friendship and symbols of nature and mortality, it is clear that Gilgamesh must experience this tragedy in order to learn the lesson that death is inevitable and the only way achieve immortality is to live fully.

  1. Well, really, there is nothing to suggest that the snake symbolizes anything. The episode where the snake steaks Gilgamesh's magic plant while he is bathing serves two purposes. The main one is.
  2. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the serpent strikes at him (Gilgamesh) in his time of weakness- that is, whilst he is taking a bath. This similarly illustrates that the serpent knows that he is no match for the human when he (the human) is well aware of its strength and therefore preys on him during his weakest.
  3. The Epic of Gilgamesh, has been described as the first true work of world literature. It began to circulate in the ancient Near East as early as 1000 BCE. Portions of this epic have been found in Mesopotamia, Turkey, and in P.

The friendship that builds between Gilgamesh and Enkidu in undeniably symbolic of the relationship between man and the natural world. His death causes a major disruption for Gilgamesh mentally, and changes the way he envisions humanity and life in general. Enkidu is born from nature, raised by nature and only becomes interested in the fruits of civilized life when he encounter's humanity. Since he can no longer connect with nature in the same way again, which is privy to the complexity of the relationship between the Sumerians and nature, he proceeds to making his mission seeking to fight Gilgamesh. Once the two eventually become friends and set out on their quest to kill Humbaba, it is clear that Enkidu encourages Gilgamesh to take the life of Humbaba. The fact that Gilgamesh agrees shows that there is trust between them, so their bond is very influential to Gilgamesh and his decision making. After Enkidu gets word of his sentencing, he curses everyone for playing a part in taking him out of the wilderness and removing him from nature, which ultimately lead to his death. It is only after the god Shamash enlightened him did he realize that if it hadn't been for Shamhat meeting him, he would have never met Gilgamesh. Enkidu becomes content with dying because he gained a beautiful friend to whom he was totally devoted. His death effected Gilgamesh so greatly because he had found a true friend in Enkidu. Even Ninsun, when interpreting Gilgamesh's dream, told him that Enkidu was a companion who rescues a friend (1.295) implying that he was in need of that kind of relationship. With a kinship this strong, Gilgamesh would naturally be heartbroken at his death. The theme of grief is heavily shown through the dark tones in the dialogue of Gilgamesh over Enkidu's body.

''May the Roads of Enkidu to the Cedar Forest mourn you and not fall silent night or day.

May the Elders of the broad city of Uruk-Haven mourn you.

May the peoples who gave their blessing after us mourn you.

May the men of the mountains and hills mourn you.

May the pasture lands shriek in mourning as if it were your mother.'' (8.8-13)

The Snake In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

In this passage, Gilgamesh speaks and calls upon all living things, humanity and the natural world to mourn his passing. The incredible machine help. Before, Gilgamesh was irreverent towards the earth and humanity, yet after experiencing loss and grief, he cries out to the mountains and plains like family to mourn Enkidu. He wanted the entirety of the earth to lament his lost friend. This tragedy causes a major change in the way that Gilgamesh sees life, death and mortality.

Gilgamesh tries desperately to answer the eternal question that is death. He struggles to understand the finality and experiences very human emotions, and contemplates existence. Through Gilgamesh is two-thirds a god, his morality is shown through his grief. On his journey, he encounters Siduri, who could be interpreted as a character symbolic of truth. She gives Gilgamesh a different perspective on life. As he changes by simply coping with the idea that life is never promised, she also introduces to him the idea that his life could inevitably be short as well. She encourages him to be happy day and night (10.72) she does not necessary believe in trying to leave behind any kind of legacy but rather to only focus on the time he has on earth. Though it would seem to be an answer to his quest, to not pay mind to death because it is inevitable, but Gilgamesh does not listen to her and feels there is still more knowledge to be had. He seeks this further knowledge in Utanapishtim, who gives him the secret to the magic youth flower. The fact that the flower is bitten by the snake and then dies, is symbolic of the themes of death and loss because it serves as yet another illustration of the truth about life and death. Though Gilgamesh left him empty handed, it is possible that Utanapishtim serves the purpose of teaching and reiterating this lesson to Gilgamesh.


As Gilgamesh journey's home he comes to the realization that his legacy already thrives in Uruk which is his pride and glory. He transitions from seeking the truth and meanings of life to coming to the acceptance of his mortality. As he looks upon the city, he says to Urshanabi Study the foundation terrace, and examine the brickwork, (11.314-315) and marvel at the beauty of his many creations. The theme of grief is present throughout this epic through the death of the symbolic character Enkidu, and his death not only changes Gilgamesh, but also teaches him a valuable lesson that eventually allows him to fulfil his life journey. Perhaps if Enkidu had never been sentenced to death, and Gilgamesh would have never learned the lesson, he would never have been able to become a great king.

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The True Value of Life Sometimes, in order for you to change, it takes losing something so dear to you. This is proven in one of the oldest stories ever written, 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. Although the main plot is focused on Gilgamesh losing is closest friend and going on a journey of immortality, by studying Gilgamesh's idea of avoiding death, we can see throughout the story that death is inevitable, lack of humility is an issue, and the symbol of the serpent. Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, is a mighty king that built magnificent temple towers and high walls that surrounded the city.

However, he came about these building projects by forced labor. The gods heard the people of Uruk's pleas, so the gods created Enkidu, who is just as magnificent as Gilgamesh, to challenge him. The gods' plan took a different turn when the two became best of friends. Gilgamesh's happy adventurous life soon takes a tragic turn when Enkidu falls ill and dies. Gilgamesh now fears for his own life. Heartbroken, Gilgamesh sets out on a journey to find the key to eternal life. His journey leads him to Utnapishtim, who he and his family's lives were spared by Ea, the god of wisdom, from the flood.

As a result of this, Enlil, the god of earth, rewards Utnapishtim with eternal life. Gilgamesh assumes Utnapishtim can grant him eternal life as well, so he puts him to a test. Gilgamesh has to stay awake for a week; this is a trick because immortals don't ever sleep. Gilgamesh immediately fails. As a second chance Utnapishtim gives him a plant of youth. On his journey back home a snake steals the plant while Gilgamesh is in the pond. Gilgamesh returns to Uruk empty handed; however, he returns as a different man. The greatest lesson Gilgamesh learns is that death is inescapable.

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The epic of gilgamesh summary

Siduri, the goddess of wine disguised as the tavern keeper, warns him of seeking immortality. 'As for you, Gilgamesh, let your belly be full, make merry day and night. Of each day make a feast of rejoicing. Day and night dance and play! Let your garments be sparkling fresh, your head be washed; bathe in water. Pay heed to a little one that holds on to your hand, let a spouse delight in your bosom' (Tablet X). This is her telling him it would be pointless and to just enjoy what he has in his life now. It was Enkidu's fate to die as a consequence after him and Gilgamesh killed the Bull of Heaven.

Gilgamesh realizes in the end that it is also man's fate to die, as it is for humankind to live on. Death is inevitable and immortality is promised only to the gods. Life must be treasured. Life isn't worth living if you don't take what is has to offer, for death will come faster than you know. Gilgamesh may have started his quest as two-thirds god and one-third man, but he returned as a man, realizing his own inevitable mortality. From being two-thirds god and one-third man, Gilgamesh is destined for perfection. He is blessed with the luxurious life and all the riches he could possibly want.

Unfortunately his greatest flaw is his arrogance and lack of humility. Gilgamesh was created by the gods to be perfect in every way. However, the gods couldn't prepare him for life, its challenges, and how to be a true king. Gilgamesh lived like a god amongst his people and was hated for it because he didn't care about anyone but himself. The gods didn't know what to do with Gilgamesh's life so they sent Enkidu which gave him true friendship. Gilgamesh started in the story as a cruel king that used forced labor to build his kingdom and would rape women.

He would do whatever he wanted to do and get who and whatever he wanted. He was loathed by his people. The first transition to his change was Enkidu. They both became heroes. When his journey ends he returns to his kingdom as a new selfless man who thinks no more than do right by his people. Serpents play similar but at the same time different roles in Gilgamesh and the Bible. In the story of Gilgamesh the serpent changes Gilgamesh's perception of life. After his long quest he is given an herb that restores his youth. He hasn't yet used it when a snake steals it.

Gilgamesh Snake Symbolism

The epic of gilgamesh story

Though the snake robs Gilgamesh of his chance to enjoy youth again, it restores Gilgamesh's sanity. The snake is a benefit. Gilgamesh now carries back the gift of wisdom. He now focuses on what is in front of him and doesn't take life for granted. In the Bible, the serpent is a source of evil that brought life-long punishment to humankind. The serpent tempts Adam and Eve to disobeying God into taking what rightfully belongs to God - knowledge. As punishment, God exiles Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and brands them as sinners.

The serpent stole their innocence, so in a way the serpent brought both death and knowledge into the world. As descendent of Adam and Eve we also hold the name as a sinner. 'This is the wall of Uruk, which no city on earth can equal. See how its ramparts gleam like copper in the sun. Climb the stone staircase, more ancient than the mind can imagine a temple that no king has equaled in size or beauty, walk on the wall of Uruk, follow its course around the city, inspect its mighty foundations examine its brickwork, how masterfully it is built, observe the land it encloses' (Book XI).

Shortly before Gilgamesh's eyes truly opened he was in despair because he lost his opportunity of immortality when he lost the plant of youth. In the end as he looked upon his kingdom he established wisdom. He realized that death cannot be avoided, and he became a humble king. If it wasn't for the serpent he would still be the arrogant king he was and he wouldn't have gain this knowledge. If the serpent didn't bring along the idea of eating off the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve would still be in the Garden of Eden and wouldn't have the knowledge of the world.

The Epic Of Gilgamesh Characters

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Symbolism In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Symbolism Of Snake In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

As Gilgamesh journey's home he comes to the realization that his legacy already thrives in Uruk which is his pride and glory. He transitions from seeking the truth and meanings of life to coming to the acceptance of his mortality. As he looks upon the city, he says to Urshanabi Study the foundation terrace, and examine the brickwork, (11.314-315) and marvel at the beauty of his many creations. The theme of grief is present throughout this epic through the death of the symbolic character Enkidu, and his death not only changes Gilgamesh, but also teaches him a valuable lesson that eventually allows him to fulfil his life journey. Perhaps if Enkidu had never been sentenced to death, and Gilgamesh would have never learned the lesson, he would never have been able to become a great king.

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The True Value of Life Sometimes, in order for you to change, it takes losing something so dear to you. This is proven in one of the oldest stories ever written, 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. Although the main plot is focused on Gilgamesh losing is closest friend and going on a journey of immortality, by studying Gilgamesh's idea of avoiding death, we can see throughout the story that death is inevitable, lack of humility is an issue, and the symbol of the serpent. Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, is a mighty king that built magnificent temple towers and high walls that surrounded the city.

However, he came about these building projects by forced labor. The gods heard the people of Uruk's pleas, so the gods created Enkidu, who is just as magnificent as Gilgamesh, to challenge him. The gods' plan took a different turn when the two became best of friends. Gilgamesh's happy adventurous life soon takes a tragic turn when Enkidu falls ill and dies. Gilgamesh now fears for his own life. Heartbroken, Gilgamesh sets out on a journey to find the key to eternal life. His journey leads him to Utnapishtim, who he and his family's lives were spared by Ea, the god of wisdom, from the flood.

As a result of this, Enlil, the god of earth, rewards Utnapishtim with eternal life. Gilgamesh assumes Utnapishtim can grant him eternal life as well, so he puts him to a test. Gilgamesh has to stay awake for a week; this is a trick because immortals don't ever sleep. Gilgamesh immediately fails. As a second chance Utnapishtim gives him a plant of youth. On his journey back home a snake steals the plant while Gilgamesh is in the pond. Gilgamesh returns to Uruk empty handed; however, he returns as a different man. The greatest lesson Gilgamesh learns is that death is inescapable.

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Siduri, the goddess of wine disguised as the tavern keeper, warns him of seeking immortality. 'As for you, Gilgamesh, let your belly be full, make merry day and night. Of each day make a feast of rejoicing. Day and night dance and play! Let your garments be sparkling fresh, your head be washed; bathe in water. Pay heed to a little one that holds on to your hand, let a spouse delight in your bosom' (Tablet X). This is her telling him it would be pointless and to just enjoy what he has in his life now. It was Enkidu's fate to die as a consequence after him and Gilgamesh killed the Bull of Heaven.

Gilgamesh realizes in the end that it is also man's fate to die, as it is for humankind to live on. Death is inevitable and immortality is promised only to the gods. Life must be treasured. Life isn't worth living if you don't take what is has to offer, for death will come faster than you know. Gilgamesh may have started his quest as two-thirds god and one-third man, but he returned as a man, realizing his own inevitable mortality. From being two-thirds god and one-third man, Gilgamesh is destined for perfection. He is blessed with the luxurious life and all the riches he could possibly want.

Unfortunately his greatest flaw is his arrogance and lack of humility. Gilgamesh was created by the gods to be perfect in every way. However, the gods couldn't prepare him for life, its challenges, and how to be a true king. Gilgamesh lived like a god amongst his people and was hated for it because he didn't care about anyone but himself. The gods didn't know what to do with Gilgamesh's life so they sent Enkidu which gave him true friendship. Gilgamesh started in the story as a cruel king that used forced labor to build his kingdom and would rape women.

He would do whatever he wanted to do and get who and whatever he wanted. He was loathed by his people. The first transition to his change was Enkidu. They both became heroes. When his journey ends he returns to his kingdom as a new selfless man who thinks no more than do right by his people. Serpents play similar but at the same time different roles in Gilgamesh and the Bible. In the story of Gilgamesh the serpent changes Gilgamesh's perception of life. After his long quest he is given an herb that restores his youth. He hasn't yet used it when a snake steals it.

Gilgamesh Snake Symbolism

Though the snake robs Gilgamesh of his chance to enjoy youth again, it restores Gilgamesh's sanity. The snake is a benefit. Gilgamesh now carries back the gift of wisdom. He now focuses on what is in front of him and doesn't take life for granted. In the Bible, the serpent is a source of evil that brought life-long punishment to humankind. The serpent tempts Adam and Eve to disobeying God into taking what rightfully belongs to God - knowledge. As punishment, God exiles Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and brands them as sinners.

The serpent stole their innocence, so in a way the serpent brought both death and knowledge into the world. As descendent of Adam and Eve we also hold the name as a sinner. 'This is the wall of Uruk, which no city on earth can equal. See how its ramparts gleam like copper in the sun. Climb the stone staircase, more ancient than the mind can imagine a temple that no king has equaled in size or beauty, walk on the wall of Uruk, follow its course around the city, inspect its mighty foundations examine its brickwork, how masterfully it is built, observe the land it encloses' (Book XI).

Shortly before Gilgamesh's eyes truly opened he was in despair because he lost his opportunity of immortality when he lost the plant of youth. In the end as he looked upon his kingdom he established wisdom. He realized that death cannot be avoided, and he became a humble king. If it wasn't for the serpent he would still be the arrogant king he was and he wouldn't have gain this knowledge. If the serpent didn't bring along the idea of eating off the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve would still be in the Garden of Eden and wouldn't have the knowledge of the world.

The Epic Of Gilgamesh Characters

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